What should the primary driver be for our career?

What should the primary driver be for our career?  Is it compensation?  Title – resume value and prestige?  Balance of Life?  Personal health?  Mission and purpose?  What would you put at the top of your list?  And what would you put second?

I have witnessed several recent examples that stimulate these questions.  One was a person that was in global demand as a speaker and trainer, traveling to several cities around the world every week.  Obviously good at what they did.  Then in a candid moment they acknowledged that when they got home Friday they became a puddle, and did not feel human until sometime Sunday.  Even though they were good at it all of the speaking and interactions with people it demanded were constantly draining.  Should that person keep doing the same thing, or make a change?

Another example is much more positive — yet may seem like a radical thought.  Where would you most like to live?  Not where are the jobs — just where would you really like to live?  One client began with that question — and the answer was Wilmington NC.  They loved the arts, water and sailing.  It was close enough to children (and hopefully grandchildren some day) to visit regularly without being too close.  So they made location first choice, then we figured out how to make a living within that location.

As I look around I worry because people are holding onto jobs because the title and perks are “what is expected”.  Siblings debate who is more successful?  So do friends.  Yet by what measure?  Cars, boats, baubles and houses — or true happiness and contentment? 

We applaud millennials because they will not remain in a job, or company, they do not enjoy and respect.  Sometimes it frustrates “us”, because they think differently and march to a different drummer.  Maybe they won’t end up with as much money?  That does not seem to be their driver — and they do seem to be enjoying a less stressful life and having fun.  Just saying!   

– Jim Deupree

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